“Chicago Loves Me” Artwork by Local, Donte Mearon

By Megan Welsh

Back in January, Justin and I had the honor of winning/purchasing a one of kind piece of artwork from local artist Donte Mearon (pictured below) titled “Chicago Loves Me” (read about it here). The next couple days after the Bear Necessities event, we would immediately stare in awe at it when we woke up, as we walked through the hallway, while we ate in the dining room, and before we went to bed. Only problem? This gorgeous piece of artwork was sitting on the floor leaning against the wall waiting to have a place it could call home. After choosing a subtle silver frame (black made it too dark and heavy, white made it too bright and cottage-y) we decided to hang it as a focal point in the hallway between the second bedroom, linen closet, and master bedroom enabling us to view it from the dining and living rooms. What do you think? Does “Chicago Loves Me” love its new home in our apartment or what?!

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